Affiliation No: 1930813,  Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi.
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04562 228160 +91 98434 24114 +91 75983 62954
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9am - 4pm
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Uniqueness of AMLZS
Team Amlzs is a group of qualified and trained facilitators headed by the Principal, followed by separate coordinators for each division (KG, Primary & Secondary) and in turn by individual department heads.
Facilitators are recruited through a methodical approach after scrutinizing the applications for the right candidate and also a personal interview. The selected eligible candidate will undergo a training period of six months to understand the unique teaching and assessment methodology at Amlzs before handling classes.
Stress – Free Environment
We extend an academic ambience where the rights and needs of the children are respected, while helping them realise their true potential. We have a trained team to help children shine in every learning space with endless opportunities for exploration, experimentation and excellence.
The optimum student-teacher ratio is maintained from KG till the lower grades to focus more on the needs and the individual strengths of the students.
Our unique curriculum and teaching methodology is designed to address all forms of intelligence takes as it fosters in the students the attitude of no learning without understanding the concept.
IEP: Underpinning our curriculum is a strong program of academic support, as well as our program of academic enrichment called the Individual Educational Programme (IEP).We provide an experienced Learning Enhancement staff to help students with their individual learning needs, whether it is for extra support or extension. Ultimately, our aim is to ensure every student has a solid educational background as well as the social, personal and interpersonal skills to confidently enter the outside world.
Our teaching methodology is designed to address all types of learners – Visual, auditory, Logical-mathematical and kinesthetic. The “plan-do-review sequence” in our teaching methodology helps in encourages children who learn at different levels to benefit from every session of learning without boredom or feeling overwhelmed.
At Amlzs, the drive to continuously innovate and come up with new techniques to deliver learning materials and simultaneously reduce the stress of students to improve student learning outcomes have been a top priority since its inception. Research paper in one such innovative method followed from Grade 1 to make children know more about a particular topic.
Co-curricular activities
Regular pursuit of Co-curricular activities besides developing aesthetics and sharpening sensibilities entertains and provides welcome change from the classroom. The curriculum for the co curricular activities are well defined and is mandatory for all the students to enhance them in their all round development.
Periodical exhibitions, talent shows and competitions are conducted to instill the spirit of participation and competition in Children.
A unique integrated curriculum with a combination of athletics, outdoor and adventure activities, games and gymnastics is framed and is also balanced with academics.
Breaking the monotonic nature of classrooms, Amlzs has an excellent infrastructure-imposing school building with spacious, airy and well furnished classrooms, laboratories and sprawling lawns.
Each class room has a green deck and a reading corner inclusive of audio-visual theaters with multimedia Projection Systems.
Every parent will be provided with an exclusive login ID and password to visit the school’s interactive web page and get to know and receive updates from the school about daily activities in kindergarten classes including a photograph taken during the class.
The primary and secondary usually has a weekly update of all the activities happened during the classes along with the photographs taken during the sessions.
Celebrations, events, field visits, school fixtures, circulars and also attendance of individual student will be updated.
The school magazine ‘Amlzs Voice’ brought out at the end of every three months acts as a link between the school and parents. Every issue highlights the various activities at school.
Our team in all the levels of hierarchy can be easily approached by sending feedbacks through our interactive webpage and to our school email address for immediate solutions.
A unique integrated curriculum with a combination of athletics, outdoor and adventure activities, games and gymnastics is framed and is also balanced with academicsRegular parent interaction meetings are held as we believe that true progress in the child’s development is made possible through healthy two-way communication between the academic team and the parents.
Safety & Hygiene
CCTV monitored campus for better security and administration. Dedicated individual care taker for every class from Pre KG to lower grades.
We provide ‘Pick-up ID cards’ to the parent or the guardian who picks up the child every day from the school or from the school transport to ensure their safety.
Amlzs has a medicare facility which also has an In-house nurse for first aid and to take care of the students on an emergency. There are regular health, dental and eye checkups by a qualified paediatrician to ensure that they are in good physical health according to their specific age groups. The school has a tie up with a nearby local hospital.
Hygienically maintained separate toilets for both girls and boys.